Wednesday 17 October 2012

Surreal Sketches

After the third sketch, i imediately knew what i wanted the final version to be. Origionaly i was thinking of having a guy shoting himself with his fingers and a river of colours flows out representing his imagination. the second one was dull input going in one ear, then colourful output out the other, like "in one ear and out the other" but with the character drasticly altering what he takes in. the third sketch was a dull grey world with a person walking toward the viewer, the world is colourless but his mind is filled with a colourful imagination and dream-like ideas, this is what i stuck with. the black and white sketch is the rough plan i did in photoshop, but i was not satisfied with how the person looked. the bottom image is the biped i used from 3dsMax to help with the pose of the character and the angle of the perspective for them.

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