Thursday 13 December 2012

Gun Ship

(i didnt make this, its just refrence for the relationship of the 2 ships)

these are concepts fo the gun ship that acompany's the gun ship before take off. gun, cannon or launchpad shaped, it launches the bullet ship to help it achieve its top speeds.

Bullet ship

The concept for my ship is to be a 1 man, high speed ship, that can either achive top speeds by itself or via being launched by a seperate ship.
The bullet ship is almost entierely weaponless, only means of offence is shooting itself through enemy ships. it has wings that fan out to make more dramatic movments, lazeer cannons are underneith these wings wich can home in on multiple/smaller opponents.

Space ship mood board

Thursday 1 November 2012

Sir Hallows and Grave

I couldnt Settle on just one creature so i decided to put two of my favourite into one image.

Meet Sir Hallows and his handyman Grave. Sir Hallows is ment to be the enbodyment of haloween itself, fear and horror incarnate. his skin is made of thick spider webbing, when he smiles he shows countless spiders bussling about (didnt show this very well in the finished version but in the sketches it's shown). Grave was actually my first monster i came up with for this assignment, i wanted a large, hunchback creature with a gravestone on its back but i could never settle on a "monster", but im quite happy with the zombie/frankenstein monster look.

happy with the concept, drawing....egh okay, could be better, more detail perhaps...but the colour work i am seriously not happy with. when it came to colouring i got to the realization that i had no idea how to shade or light the in my opinion i just looks like a rushed mess but i honestly couldnt figure out a good way to do it....more practice required!

Scary Sketches

Skarekins, Grave spiders, Gravenstein and Sir All'hallows. creature designs and final concept ideas.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Star Tree

 "The Star Tree, a tree that grows in solitude, it has no leaves nor fruit, only flowers which bloom to become stars, that float up to light up the night sky."

From my sketches i found that the 2 designs i liked, were either too hard for me to get right, or not good enough so for the final image i settled on an entirely different idea, the star tree. i was going for a cartoony-ish style that you might find in a child's storybook, Im quite happy with it.

Red Mohawks are cool

Redhawk Mc'pasteyface mets a new frend, Tret!
Bluepants Mc'flatchin and Trit will go on supar magicurn atvendures!
what surt of mischevos fun will they get up teu?
surly it will be a jouney of self descovory and wondir!
go now KomonoJoe Mc'peasley and Trot, undescovred londs awit thee!

That would have been the synopsis behind this drawing...but then i realized the tree had a face, and was therefore a character, so it wasn't allowed for the assignment. but i have uploaded it anyway with the idea that the tree doesn't have a face, it is merely a friendly spirit that is floating in front of it, plus the fact it's such a fun filled image! :3

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Tree Sketches

all of these ideas were for a giant, mountain sized, life giving tree, a tree that its roots become trees that then become massive forests.

as happy as i am with these ideas, i found that none of them really met the criteria for the assignment, i felt that the two coloured images didn't focus enough on the tree itself, more so the scene that the tree was in also that the design for the tree was rather bland, just a large straight trunk with little going on.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Tree Board wood yay

This is my mood board for my tree assignment, board as in wood, which comes from trees, getit?

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Surreal Ver.2

I much prefer this version, yet im not 100% satisfied with the finished result. i have achieved exactly what i pictured in my mind, yet it doesn't look very good, perhaps it was the brushes i used, or the soft/dreamlike strokes, im not sure, but it looks like it could use "more". however, i have no idea what improvements i could make to it, tough one. perhaps redoing it from scratch or using different tools/brushes might make it look more complete.

surreal Ver.1

this version, more of the face is filled with colour, not so sure if i prefer it to the other version

Surreal Sketches

After the third sketch, i imediately knew what i wanted the final version to be. Origionaly i was thinking of having a guy shoting himself with his fingers and a river of colours flows out representing his imagination. the second one was dull input going in one ear, then colourful output out the other, like "in one ear and out the other" but with the character drasticly altering what he takes in. the third sketch was a dull grey world with a person walking toward the viewer, the world is colourless but his mind is filled with a colourful imagination and dream-like ideas, this is what i stuck with. the black and white sketch is the rough plan i did in photoshop, but i was not satisfied with how the person looked. the bottom image is the biped i used from 3dsMax to help with the pose of the character and the angle of the perspective for them.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

5's Coming for you

Final Versions of my robot "5". top one is the final version and the bottom one is a coloured version that im also happy with

Robot Sketch 2

Sedond Set of sketches

Monday 8 October 2012

Robot "5" Sketch

 Decided to draw the robot in parts, so i have a better understanding of the shapes i used. 1-3 are early designs, 4-7 are the versions i settled with and developed on.

1) "Basic" idea
2) possible change
3) improved change
4) final sketch, the rest of the parts try to follow similar/complomenting features to the head
5) Upper Torso
6) Right arm + upper Leg
7) Lower leg + Lower Torso

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Tentacle monster

Finished Tentacle monster, the lines could use a clean up and the liquid could be more transparent but im happy with the result, would love to come back and draw more of this monster

Tentacle Monster Sketches

Initial Face Concept

Composition Concept and Face Re-design tests

Re-worked face close up

Digital composition sketch