Tuesday 15 May 2012

Fishing Lizard

here we had to watch a tutorial on a perticular way of drawing a character, i liked it idea, it was something interesting to try. that was untill i got stuck into it, at first it went well but after a while problems arose or it didnt look how i wanted it to and it was just a downward spiral and i ended up hated it. I started again 2-3 times for this one and if it wasnt one problem, it was something else...toward the end i got so frustrated with it i reverted back to my own way of digital drawing....

this was the result.... ¬,¬

TiME For aN EAster HunT

thrilled with the concept for this one, over the easter holidays the task was to create a "creepy bunny rabbit".  As soon as i got the assignment this exact concept popped into my head prety much, i feel its translated from idea to image rather well...not perfect...but still good. some things i had trouble with, such as getting the writing in the dirt...to look like actual writing in dirt and getting a gloomy night time effect right was a smidge problematic too.

"The Thisk"

One of my 2D lessons had us take pictures of trees (more specificaly the bark) and create a creature concept from those pictures. This final version is actually the second design i came up with from my tree bark images. the creatures design needed to incorperate bark in some way, i chose to have bark growing as a secondary skin for this creature and its limbs, fingers and mouth are made of a vine-like material.

very happy with the final result, didnt think i could pull of the sun shine effect as well as i did.